
lundi 28 septembre 2009

SCImago releases SCImago Insitutions Rankings 2009 World Report


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via SCImago Journal & Country Rank : News de SCImago group le 27/09/09

The SCImago Research Group is glad to announce the release of the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2009 World Report available for download at http://www.scimagoir.com in pdf and csv formats.

The SIR 2009 World Report ranks the best 2000 worldwide Research Institutions and Organizations and analyzes its research performance in the period 2003-2007 over 5 global indicators of output, collaboration and scientific impact:

  • Output
  • Cites per document
  • International Collaboration
  • Normalized SJR
  • Normalized Citation

The report, showing a first version of the results of the SCImago Institutions Rankings research project, is built with data from Elsevier database Scopus (over 16 millions of publications and 150 millions of citations) and includes research institutions from 84 countries from the five continents, grouped into five research sectors: Government, Higher Education, Health, Corporate and Others.

SCImago Institutions Rankings
The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) project, developed by SRG SCImago Research Group is a Research Evaluation Platform and Ranking Generator to analyze research outputs of universities and research-focused institutions. The SIR platform aims at designing analytical tools to help institutions monitor and assess their research outcomes and make decisions to improve their research performance and funding opportunities.

Further information, including full description of the indicators, available at:
Website: http://www.scimagoir.com
Email: scimagoir@scimago.es


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