
dimanche 16 août 2009

Highly cited non-journal publications in political science, economics and ps...


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via Scientometrics le 12/08/09

Abstract  In this study we show that it is possible to identify top-cited publications other than Web of Science (WoS) publications, particularly non-journal publications, within fields in the social and behavioral sciences. We analyzed references in publications that were themselves highly cited, with at least one European address. Books represent between 62 (psychology) and 81% (political science) of the non-WoS references, journal articles 15–24%. Books (economics, political science) and manuals (psychology) account for the most highly cited publications. Between 50 (psychology, political science) and 71% (economics) of the top-ranked most cited publications originated from the US versus between 18 (economics) and 38% (psychology) from Europe. Finally, it is discussed how the methods and procedures of the study can be optimized.

  • Content Type Journal Article
  • DOI 10.1007/s11192-009-0086-y
  • Authors
    • Anton J. Nederhof, Leiden University Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) Willem Einthoven Building PO Box 905 2300 Leiden AX The Netherlands
    • Thed N. van Leeuwen, Leiden University Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) Willem Einthoven Building PO Box 905 2300 Leiden AX The Netherlands
    • Anthony F. J. van Raan, Leiden University Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) Willem Einthoven Building PO Box 905 2300 Leiden AX The Netherlands


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