
mercredi 26 août 2009

Special issue of the review “Defense” from the IHEDN. The Economy of the imm...


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special issue of the review Defense from the IHEDN has been recently published (n°140, Juillet-Aout, 2009), this special issue deals with the immaterial economy. The development of the knowledge age prompt the developing countries to consider more and more closely the management od their immaterial assets.  This issue, with the interviews of various people as well as various contributions from the Admiral Lacoste (Facteurs immateriels de la defense et de la sécurtité, Immaterial factors in the defense and security), Alain juillet (Protection de l'immatériel au coeur de l'Intelligence Economique, The protection  of the immaterial asset in  the core activites of the Competitive Intelligence), Benoit Batistelli (La propirété industrielle dans l'économie de l'immatériel, The intellectaul property in the immaterial economy), Henri Dou (L'immateriel dans les pays émergents et les enjeux de l'Intelligence Economique, The immaterial in the emergent countries and the stakes of Competitive Intelligence), and other contributors enlighted various important points in this area.

The articles of this issue may be consulted from the host of the virtual community of defense. Other informatios are also available in free access.


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