
vendredi 8 janvier 2010

Useful info on extent of scholarly journal publishing?


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via CrossRef Blog de Ed Pentz le 08/01/10

I often see varying figures for the number of scholarly journals and the number of articles published per year (some references below). In this context the CrossRef 2009 statistics are interesting. CrossRef covers scholarly journals pretty extensively now - books are growing (~100,000 in the system so far) but CrossRef scholarly book coverage isn't as extensive.

At the end of 2009 there were 21,150 journal titles in CrossRef - this includes older titles that may no longer be publishing or may have changed names. CrossRef doesn't track whether journals are peer reviewed or not just that they are generally "scholarly".

The journal article deposit figures are:

Total number of CrossRef journal DOIs: 34,911,463 (from 1665 to the present)

Deposits of Current (publication year of 2007-2009) journal article DOIs - 1,808,993

A CrossRef DOI for a journal article can be applied to any type of article: research, review, book review, letter - basically anything in a journal that's published online as a citeable unit.

Some general CrossRef stats are available.

Another important statistic is that there were over 300,000,000 (300 million) CrossRef DOI resolutions i.e. user clicks on CrossRef DOIs.

References (it's shocking there are no CrossRef DOIs for these)

Björk, B., Roos, A. and Lauri, M. (2009) Scientific journal publishing: yearly volume and
open access availability, Information Research, 14(1) http://InformationR.net/ir/14-1/paper391.html

Mabe, M. (2003). The growth and number of journals, Serials 16(2) 191-197

Tenopir, Carol (2004). Online Databases—Online Scholarly Journals: How Many? The Library Journal http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA374956.html

'The STM Report: An overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing' Press release - http://www.stm-assoc.org/2009_10_13_Press_Release_The_STM_Report.pdf


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