
dimanche 13 décembre 2009

Bibliometrics Toolbox


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via Delicious/io2a/#io2a de io2a le 13/12/09

The Bibliometrics Toolbox will perform a variety of bibliometric measures on a sample of a literature. For example, it will do a rank listing of the productive journals, create a bibliograph, and calculate a wide series of measures as defined by Goffman and Warren, Egghe, Leimkuhler, Lotka, Zipf and so on. The Bibliometrics Toolbox was written in Turbo Prolog under DOS 2.0. The Bibliometrics Toolbox is "free ware". Please copy it and and distribute it as you wish. There is no guarantee either explicit or implied that the calculations done by The Bibliometrics Toolbox are correct.

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