
dimanche 13 décembre 2009

Citer analysis as a measure of research impact: library and information scie...


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via Scientometrics le 04/12/09

Abstract  The investigators studied author research impact using the number of citers per publication an author's research has been able to attract, as opposed to the more traditional measure of citations. A focus on citers provides a complementary measure of an author's reach or influence in a field, whereas citations, although possibly numerous, may not reflect this reach, particularly if many citations are received from a small number of citers. In this exploratory study, Web of Science was used to tally citer and citation-based counts for 25 highly cited researchers in information studies in the United States and 26 highly cited researchers from the United Kingdom. Outcomes of the tallies based on several measures, including an introduced ch-index, were used to determine whether differences arise in author rankings when using citer-based versus citation-based counts. The findings indicate a strong correlation between some citation and citer-based measures, but not with others. The findings of the study have implications for the way authors' research impact may be assessed.

  • Content Type Journal Article
  • DOI 10.1007/s11192-009-0127-6
  • Authors
    • Isola Ajiferuke, University of Western Ontario Faculty of Information and Media Studies London ON N6A 5B7 Canada
    • Dietmar Wolfram, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies P.O. Box 413 Milwaukee WI 53201 USA


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